Monday, January 8, 2007

Have Western Women Lost The Plot?

It's interesting to hear on a semi-regular basis women in the media in Western countries (usually in their late 30's and older), say "there are no good men available" (and similar).

If you talk to men of the same age, of course they're really thinking the same thing (about the women that is)! They just don't air such views so publicly.

So what's the problem?

Obviously there's a problem here in terms of what men and women want - from each other, from marriage, or life in general. That's nothing short of astounding when you think about it. When we're all brought up in the same country, culture, environment, etc, how is it we end up so non-compatible?

Why do over 50% of marriages in Western countries end in divorce? (the failure rate is of course much higher - that's just the ones who get legally divorced).

It must come down to roles and values. Women are usually accredited with reaching mental maturity or "growing up" at an earlier age than men, yet it seems to be the case these days that when men become more "mature" (by their late 20's or early 30's), and are "ready to settle down", Western women seem to be moving in the opposite direction - wanting more excitment, superficial possessions, wanting to be young forever.

Amazingly, this seems to be particularly so for divorced women, even if they have children. Of course logic would dictate that the experience would surely send them down the maturity path, not the "I'm going to be a teenager again" road, but this trend seems to be growing.

Unfortunately, there's no telling these women where they are going wrong - they'll take offence, won't admit it, or genuinely won't believe the reality. This leaves men shaking their heads in disbelief. Perhaps in time the lonely old Western women who wanted to be "free", "independant", and "impowered" will one day realise they forgot to be women.

Russian women on the other hand know exactly what it means to be a woman. They're proud to be real women, not women trying to be men or compete with men, but to be compatible with men.

Does that mean they are "submissive"? No way! This is a common myth. They are strong, resourceful and determined. They know what they want, and they also know how to be successful in life - all aspects of life.

Of course, "each to their own", but you can speculate about who will be happier later in life!

Read more about Russian women, success, and beauty:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with your comments Shaun. I come from a Western Country (Australia).
Unfortunately it seems to be a common thread that 'single' and 'available' women (at least in my age bracket, i am 28 years old) are more focused on career bettering themselves indivually as opposed to marriage and starting a family. Quite frustrating. Obviously the first choice for a partner/mate is in your own backyard so to speak.

Compliments on a well-presented Blog and very helpful info....without the hard sell of some dating/introduction sites.