Monday, January 8, 2007

Natural Russian Women Leave Western Women in the Wilderness

You will very often see in the on-line profiles of Russian women the interest of "Nature". Russian women delight in plants, flowers and all the wonders of the natural environment. Men find this very attractive in contrast to Western women who seem more concerned about materialism and how their often pointless possessions stack-up against that of their peers. Even though most Russians live in apartments, they like to be surrounded by nature, and will often have many plants growing where-ever they can fit! I have seen living rooms turned into virtual jungles, and orange trees growing in bedrooms! But most of all, Russian women love flowers. They like to see them, grow them, and receive them. OK, so all women love to receive flowers, but for a Russian woman, it is very special. If you're seeking a Russian bride, a regular gift of flowers to your special girl will earn you many points! And whatever you do, don't forget to give flowers to her for Womens Day (March 8). Yes, Women's Day. In Russian culture, they do not have Mothers Day or Fathers Day, but they do have this very special day for Women. The most important day of the year!

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